Cohen de Mayo Celebration

Cinco de Mayo is a holiday that celebrates the Mexican army’s victory over France at the Battle of Puebla in 1862 during the Franco-Mexican War. In America, we tend to celebrate Mexican-American culture on this wonderful day. 

For Cinco de Mayo, Cohen Commercial hosted an extravagant team-bonding event at Rocco’s Tacos in Palm Beach Gardens. Throughout the day, the clock was ticking, and the keyboards were clicking. Cohen Commercial team members were working hard throughout the day to ensure a timely arrival to Rocco’s Tacos. The day went by as fast as lightning and before we knew it, it was time to celebrate.

The team anxiously piled into their at cars at 4:45, excited to chat, laugh, and enjoy each other’s presence. With only fifteen minutes to spare, the Cohen Commercial team flooded into the parking lot. As we walked into the restaurant, the music was booming, customers were smiling ear to ear, and the crisp breeze was gently flowing past our faces. We arrived at our table which was topped with nachos, quesadillas, burritos, and fresh pitchers of margaritas. The chatters of coworkers, the shuffling of feet and the tune of The Macarena filled our ears. Everyone wore a smile on their face. We love that we can kick back and relax with our team at these types of events.

We are thankful that Cinco de Mayo gave us an excuse to support, grow, and get to know one another better. There is nothing more heartwarming than seeing everyone get together and have a great time.

Bittersweet Farewell

As a new year at Cohen Commercial begins, new opportunities also present themselves to our team in many forms. For one beloved team member in particular – Office Assistant Blake Prolow – an out-of-state journey has taken shape as he leaves us to attend the University of Wisconsin Madison.

Prolow details his experience at Cohen Commercial beginning with his internship during Summer 2021. He says, “I came in with an open mind and not knowing what to expect. I quickly began forming relationships with the agents and other interns. I learned about the commercial real estate market, and my focus was mainly on investment sales considering my finance background.”

Following his summer internship, Prolow quickly realized he wanted to take more classes in real estate and focus on integrating it into his career. “When I returned as an Office Assistant, I was able to continue to grow my knowledge and passion for the real estate industry,” he says. He felt especially thankful to have the opportunity to continue to grow relationships with the team of agents as they began to trust him with larger projects along the way. Longtime Associate Remington Philips says, “I was always impressed by the level of detail in his work and how fast he would complete a project.”

“Now having completed both my internship along with my experience as an Office Assistant, I am excited to go to school at the University of Wisconsin to study finance and real estate.” — Prolow

From the entire Cohen Commercial team, we wish Blake the best of luck on his new journey. We will miss you!

What’s on the Horizon for Commercial Real Estate in 2022?

The beginning of 2022 will bring a fresh set of new goals for the Commercial Real Estate industry. According to we could be seeing “the rise of smaller spaces, increased leasing flexibility, an increase in suburban leases, rising demand for warehouses and distribution centers.” Our Cohen Commercial associates are specifically interested and excited for what is to come in the New Year.

Senior Vice President Christopher Haass explains “Hope is on the horizon; the Tenant Rep team at Cohen Commercial Realty has been in the trenches for 18 months, but we are starting to see the light ahead of us in the distance. We never gave up, we never stopped pursuing the best possible outcomes, we never discounted our values and we never cut any corners. With us, no matter the circumstance the client always comes first. We are positioned to not only provide a service, but also the best possible result. We are excited for 2022!”

Longtime Associate Remington Phillips says “We will see a healthy volume of transactions continue to take place as tenants, landlords, and investors look to take advantage of opportunities to position themselves in attractive growing markets.”

Cohen Commercial Office Assistant Blake Prolow thinks in 2022 we will see the market continue to grow on the same path it is on now especially for office spaces. “I also think we will see rent prices go up in certain areas depending on where the influx of national tenants and companies decide to move in Florida due to taxes.”

Click here to learn more about CRE outlooks.

Happy New Year from all of us here at Cohen Commercial!

End of Year Wrap-Up

As the 2021 year ends, current goals are also coming to a close as many people are starting to ponder what 2022 will bring in. This also means the holiday season is quickly ending, I asked a few members of the Cohen team what their work and personal goals were to complete this year and being able to connect with the team to finding out their next steps turned out to be a fantastic learning experience.

Samantha Burckhard, Marketing Coordinator, says, “One of my goals was to push myself out of my comfort zone and try something different as far as my career. This led me to Cohen Commercial starting as Reception/Marketing Assistant and now Marketing Coordinator.”

Caroline Keating, Operations Assistant, replied, “Work related – Continue working on procedure binders for every department in order to make the learning process smoother for new employees and gain a better understanding for myself of how each department works.” Keating’s personal goal is to practice her recipe development skills by taking more time to carefully measure and write out recipes she makes up so others can recreate them.

Longtime Associate, Remington Phillips, has fitness and health goals he plans on closing out the year with the goal “to practice better habits and gain 5-10 pounds!”

Cohen Commercial Office Assistant, Blake Prolow, could not pick just two. He expressed interest in “picking a college where I will be happy; finding ways to better my communication skills through writing; and consistently break 90 in golf.”

However you choose to round out the year, our team at Cohen Commercial wishes you a happy holiday season and a Happy New Year!

Giving back for the Holidays

In the spirit of the Holidays, Cohen Commercial is teaming up with Place of Hope again for their annual Holiday Toy Drive. There will be a box set up in the office for anyone wanting to donate unwrapped toys or clothing items by Friday, December 17. In addition, the annual Cohen Holiday Party will also be accepting gifts for foster kids. Marketing Coordinator, Samantha Burckhard, has been working fiercely on thinking of ways to give back to the community this season. This isn’t Ms. Burckhard’s first time working with Place of Hope. Back in November, she spearheaded a food drive in which members of the Cohen team placed canned goods in a box for delivery to Place of Hope. 

            For more information on how to donate or become involved this holiday season, please visit here.

Fall in Love with South Florida

Florida might be hot 99% of the year, but close to November/December the natives start to see a slight breeze fill the air. Fall begins to make an appearance starting with Clematis’ famous “Sandi Land”, and their tradition will be brought back to The Palm Beach’s on Thursday, December 2nd. “After she makes her 2021 debut, her famed nightly music and light shows will run every 15 minutes from 6 to 9 p.m. through December 30 (with some adjusted times during special events)”. For more information, please visit

Another seasonal event coming back to South Florida will take place in Delray Beach on Atlantic Avenue with their own Christmas Tree Lighting. The event is scheduled for November 30th from 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. For more information, please visit

2021 Hurricane Season Almost Over

As hurricane season reaches the height 2021 with showing no signs of slowing down, we still have a couple more storms forming out in the Atlantic. As of last week, Tuesday September 28, 2021, Hurricane Sam appeared with a few tropical waves following suit. According to AccuWeather, “At times, the 2021 season has been neck and neck with the record-setting 2020 Atlantic hurricane season, which spawned 30 named storms.” For more information, please click here.

Florida’s Small Business Owners are Optimistic About 2021

COVID- 19 not only affected households but also businesses in early 2020. Some employees were furloughed, and others found a joy in working from home as they were handed the option when offices decided to close. Florida business owners, however, are optimistic for revenue to continue growing in 2021 as new requirements have set into effect. Survey shows 57% of businesses made plans to extend their hours of operation. For more information, click here.

A Summer of Surprises

I think it is fair to say that the idea of being a receptionist is more mundane than most jobs; as that was my perspective before joining the team at Cohen Commercial Realty. After just wrapping up my freshman year at Clemson University, I knew it was time to start gaining professional experience, and CCR welcomed me with open arms. Not only have I been able to work in an extremely fast-paced, professional environment, but I have gained invaluable lessons about the importance of building relationships amongst coworkers and the positive influence that radiates throughout the workplace.

Every week is something exciting at CCR— I learned that quickly when in my first month the Cohens invited the team into their home for a Vegas themed office party with multiple casino tables, a luxurious raffle, and food for a whole village. It was the extension of their home and hospitality that truly instilled a feeling of family amongst a firm of hard-working individuals motivated by the success of this long-established firm. That is just the tip of the iceberg; the Cohens constantly provide their team with everything it takes to make their office feel like home— a baker’s dozen of bagels every Monday, an unlimited supply of k-cups and creamer, and office happy hours in their legendary lounge space.

While I thought I entered this summer job for the working experience, little did I know I would be getting to learn the secret to success that CCR possesses— the meticulous detail instilled by Bryan and Karen towards making each employee feel valued on top of their exciting work atmosphere. When work is produced in an environment that encourages humor, friendship, family and support, only success will follow.

On top of the clerical duties I perform as receptionist, I am also the Marketing Assistant, overseen by Jenna Moilanen. Jenna has allowed me to expand my skills by taking over the Cohen Blog, and that has improved my writing skills exponentially. Karen Cohen is not only Chief Operator, but an incredibly talented writer; as she graduated from Florida State University with a degree in English her guidance has allowed me to see what it is like to produce articles like this on the professional level. Whether I am posting on the CCR Instagram, writing a new blog, distributing mail or taking and transferring calls, I wouldn’t have wanted to spend my summer anywhere else. As my time at CCR slowly comes to an end, I am comforted by the relationships I have formed with the team and a newfound place to call home.

Hurricane Preparedness

Summer has arrived, but the beach days, sunny skies, and humidity do not come without a price. The state of Florida welcomes hurricane season every year at the beginning of June through the end of November. Gene Norman, CNN meteorologist, predicts that, “The 2021 season should be another above average one.” All things considered, it is imperative that we actively prepare ourselves and our properties to best withstand the potentially life-threatening tempest.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlights the significance of taking premeditated steps in order to place yourself in a position the farthest away from plight. For yourself, families, and loved ones, the acquisition of non-perishable food, medical supplies and a sufficient water supply should be stored in your home and car. In case of a mandatory evacuation, it is also important to know your escape routes. While the unpredictability of hurricanes is inevitable, your preparedness doesn’t have to be. Stocking up ahead of time on medical, food, and safety supplies can lessen the effects of one of nature’s most savage tropical cyclones.

When building properties, Florida maintains a strict level of building codes to be able to withstand sustained winds up to 170 miles per hour. However, even commercial-sized properties must adequately prepare for these tumultuous wind gusts. Kirsty Kalley, a property administrator at Cohen Commercial, works diligently during hurricane season to help prepare properties for what lies ahead during these four months. “Preparation is the best protection against the dangers of storms, including knowing the difference between the different threat levels to plan accordingly. Have your property management contact details readily available to report any issues after a storm and to confirm it is safe to access your space,” she advises.

For more information about Hurricane preparedness, please visit